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Gambaran Umum Kantor Hukum

Law Office  A N A S & Partners whose full address is Jalan Basuki Rahmat Number 04. Sukajati. Haurgeulis Indramayu West Java  is a professional and experienced law office in its field, upholding professionalism, professional ethics and loyalty towards clients, so it is not surprising that Law Office  A N A S & Partners quickly gained the trust of the public as a law office that consistently defends the interests of clients, by the motto “Nulla Tenaci In Via Est Via” which means “For people who want to continue fighting, there is no road that cannot be passed”.

Law Office  A N A S & Partners was founded due to several factors, namely because of the high need for law in society which requires legal protection, starting from interactions between individuals and individuals, individuals and legal entities, as well as between legal entities and legal entities which are increasing day by day. increasingly complex. With complete legal insight, experience and a comprehensive understanding of the problems that occur. We believe that by providing legal services we not only solve a problem, but more than that, we provide loyalty, consistency, professionalism in building family relationships with clients that we value to pave the way for the best resolution.

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Dengan semboyan “Nulla Tenaci In Via Est Via” yang mempunyai arti “Bagi orang yang mau terus berjuang, tidak ada jalan yang tidak bisa dilewati”.

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